Wednesday, 23 April 2008

Selling Tips You Can't Ignore

You might have discovered that sales aren’t all about the products. Imagine how I felt when I realized that I was purchasing more products than I was selling. I decided to stop right there and scrutinize why I wanted to buy something I saw advertised.

This, after all, could really hamper my ability to run a business properly. If you think that a good product will sell itself you are mistaken. I have found others with far bigger sales numbers than me while selling the same product. Over time I learnt a few selling tips that I am going to share with you.

1. Marketing is very important as is the ability to adapt and change situations to your benefit. For example you might have, on your hands, some glue that doesn’t really work well. Let us say you couldn’t really sell this in the market as it is, right? How about putting this glue on the back of paper chits and calling the new and effective product post-its? See how this works?

2. The second of my selling tips is that it might help if you target your audience especially if you have a limited budget. In this case you might want to focus on those people in the market who are already looking for your product or products rather than randomly attack the market. Turn these people’s wants into needs. Ever seen those ads that really make you want to buy the product?

3. Don’t waste your advertisement by letting these people see it and move on. Give a call to action.

4. Try enticing customers with sops like free gifts.

5. Make your potential customers really want to buy your product. Both the product and its ad must, therefore, be attractive. You can never hope to be a success unless you can convince prospects that they really need your product. Your message has to be strong and convincing.

6. Rejections will happen all the time. Rather than give up and fail you should concentrate on why you were rejected in the first place. Learn from your mistakes and improve on your efforts.

7. Articles should be entertaining. Information is easily available and customers can easily find out things nowadays. When you write you must put down what customers want to read. Don’t bore them with too much dry information.

8. Don’t forget to sell yourself. You are the seller and without you the sales process isn’t possible. You are the one that makes the product look worth buying. One may think that the job of a model is to look good. No, that is a requirement to be a model. A model’s job is to make the product look good.

9. Sales are all about building relationships. You must make sure that you do this. Anybody giving you selling tips will tell you this.

10. The last of my selling tips to you is to constantly contact prospects without going overboard. Don’t spam, that will turn them off. Just send regular updates via email. If these emails keep bouncing then don’t waste your time – the account may be closed.

Friday, 11 April 2008

Sales Training Courses

One of the first things that sales training courses teach is the techniques of talking. The problem is that you are never taught to listen to people. The emphasis is laid on talking and selling the product.

But for once, try to imagine yourself in the position of the customer. How would you feel if someone started talking to you but wouldn’t listen to what you had to say! Disgusted and annoyed, to say the least, right? Thus, in order to be a good salesman, you need to develop the art of listening. Listening is one of the most effective ways of getting people to trust you and like you, so try to listen when you are dealing with your customer.

There are certain techniques in sales training courses that can help you have better interactions with your customers and become a successful salesman. You need to be a patient listener – and that is one of the primary criteria for being a good salesman. Patience is very important in this job because:

Remember that the person on the other side, that is your customer, also needs some time to think and react to your words. Be patient and give your customer that time.

When you are conversing with your customer or even a prospective one, remember that the more opportunities you give to the person, the more you get to hear from him or her.

Always avoid being unusually hasty while talking. A little bit of patience and pause will open new avenues and give a whole new dimension to your interaction.

One thing that your sales training courses tell you is that you are there to know more about the customer and his preferences. Thus, you are the one who will be most benefited by listening to him or her. Thus, when it comes to gaining something from a conversation, you can do it only by letting the customer talk and voice his or her opinions.

In fact, a pause or two can also prove to be quite helpful to you because it gives you the time and the space to think about your next question.

How will you take that pause without any awkwardness? Whenever you are interacting with someone as important as your customer, try to keep one thing in mind – never lose your concentration. You need to take close notice of everything that the customer has said. Missing something will do you no good, so pay your undivided attention!

When your customer is talking, a very important thing to do is to look interested. This will encourage the other person to be more comfortable with you and share their thoughts more openly.

After you ask a question, give your customer the time to think and answer. Do not pile up your questions and baffle your client!By using these simple techniques, you can improve your communication skills and that will, in turn, help you interact with your customers better.
Just follow these simple techniques from your sales training courses and you will notice a marked change in the sales!

Wednesday, 9 April 2008

5 Great Sales Tips

One of the primary concerns of any business is selling their services or products, for selling them is vital for the company’s survival in a cut throat market. Various kinds of sales tips exist for better marketing, yet it is very difficult to pick one which is just right for the task at hand and will succeed.

All sales techniques don’t work for all products for each sales tip is unique for every product. Every product and market has its own requirements and rules and tips which cater to the idiosyncrasies of that particular market. The sales tips which might lead to the sale of a holiday plan will not work for selling a television set.

However some general sales tips, which have worked beneficially over the years across all industries and products, are presented below.

1: Connect with your client emotionally – You need your clients to connect emotionally with your products, services, and your company as well. You need to involve your clients in the process of brand building. However an emotional connection is never a one way street and therefore you need to care about your customers emotions too. If they look tired or depressed ask them if they are and what can you do to help. Building a personal relationship with your clients is important, and doing so does wonders for the customer’s image of your company. For a customer, often being friendly and there to talk to helps the customer to de-stress and deal with your company better.

2: Give your customers what they need - Tailor your services and products to the actual requirement of your customers. It is ultimately bad for your company if you sell your customers more than they need. When they realize that you have sold them more than they need, they will stop trusting you and move onto another company which understands their needs better. No customer trusts a company whose primary focus is their personal greed and not the customers benefit.

3: Be focused on your clients – What you say and how you say is very important. It is a common mistake on part of enthusiastic salespeople that they speak for the customer instead of to the customer. It is not a good idea to take your clients decision for him. A very important sales tip is that you should lead your customer to arrive at the conclusion that he needs your product by himself. At the same time, it is better to appeal to him to see the benefits than imposing your judgment. If you are saying things like “this holiday plan seems to me to be the best bet for you”, change it around to things like “Your wife and children would love playing by the beach in Hawaii”.

4: Help your customers to imagine the outcome of their decisions – Lead them on to realize how, by buying your companies copier machines, they will save on toner, because you not only have a better product but one that is cheaper to run as well. When customers arrive at decisions by themselves, they are usually eager to buy your products. Similarly when they see how they actually stand to benefit from their decisions they are more likely to make a purchase.

5: Try to appreciate the customer’s point of view: If your client does not wish to spend a large sum of money immediately, do not force him or push him too hard to do so. Rather preserve your arguments for a later date when he actually wants to buy a product. No one likes being pressurized into a situation where they have top spend money.

These are some of the basic sales tips which work universally and are likely to help you succeed. Best of luck!

Friday, 4 April 2008

You Have To Work Hard To Increase Sales

It is a general and widely accepted belief that in order to increase sales, hard work is required. You must accept that you think alike. If the results aren’t foreseeable, you feel you might need to push the limits further. But irrespective of the efforts put in, there comes a point of diminishing sales. Further efforts will only bring down the sales volume. The fact is that sales are not dependent on the amount of efforts that you put in.

When a child, I was asked by my Dad to do a chore, and that obviously required me to close the gate. However, despite my vehement attempts at closing the gates, they would open as soon as I would leave the place. Also, there was no way I could go around seeking for help, as there were animals around who were witnesses to my desperate attempts at latching the gate, so they would have had some tricks in their mind if I left. After a lot of struggle and frustration at this task, my big brother came up to me. When he came, I was sitting at the gate, keeping it closed with my body’s support, almost in tears. Then, my brother came, just flipped the latch, closed it, and went away. I realized that the latch was upside down, which I didn’t notice when I was trying to latch the gate. This made me even more frustrated since the task could have been done so easily, only if I had paid attention at the key area.

The same goes for sales. You need not work inhumanly hard to increase sales. If things are constantly going against you, there is a clear need that you require a little help from outside, just like it happened with me. With increased frustration, if you try to push the boundaries further, with the hope of getting something good out of it, be rest assured, that all your attempts to succeed in a failing situation will be in vain!

If you are at the point of saturation of frustration, you are obviously overlooking a simple thing which can be done to increase your sales. You may not be aware of it, but your desperate attempts to increase sales might actually be acting as a catalyst in reducing it. Also, under such circumstances, you are unaware of where you are going wrong, though outsiders might consider it as an obvious and in-the-face error. So the fact is that there is something wrong that lies in your approach. This could be the manner in which you attract customers, how you communicate with them, your relationship with current clients, and many other things. Small changes can result in a big way to your sales. The moment you realize what this change is all about, you are likely to be even more frustrated since you were overlooking the obvious! Much like what happened with me during my childhood days.

Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Sales Coaching: What Are The Benefits?

The concept of sales coaching is rather old. Yet it is now offered for all kinds of businesses where sales are involved. Whether you are in new or used car sales, real estate, financial or even insurance sales you can now benefit from sales coaching. Here are a few pointers you should keep in mind if you are looking to get a sales coach any time soon.

1. The Right Approach: There are two kinds of sales coaching and they are separated by the approach that the coach takes. The coach, who must be a proven coach, can either apply a development approach or a training approach. You are far more likely to benefit from a development approach than a training approach. Training will look to give you new skills, something you can try and do yourself. Development is something you could really use. This method seeks to strengthen your weaknesses and emphasize your strengths. Remember that it is your strengths and not your weaknesses that will benefit you.

2. Experience: Unless the coach has really been there and done that he or she cannot really benefit you. A sales coach with a solid sales background is what you need. Sales coaching using the knowledge gained from experience can be really beneficial to you and your business.

3. Strategies: Sometimes there are certain strategies missing from a company’s sales training program. In this case a good sales coach can enlighten you on these strategies. One good one is direct one-on-one sales. You could also experiment with intensive role-playing. Not everyone, however, is very receptive to this form of sales strategy.

4. Modeling: This is of both direct and indirect help to your sales process. For this you need to model the kind of performance your coach wants you to exhibit. Here is an example. I, for instance, believe that prospects need to be touched or contacted about 36 times a year. You should also use postcards and hand-written notes. I do these things myself, touching my prospects many times. My clients know all about this. They were my prospects after all.

5. Assessments: Sales coaching includes assessment of your general sales skills and abilities or be specific about certain areas. These assessments can help ascertain some base lines that are particular to your strengths. Many coaches can provide you with access to assessments that you may not have had access to like some nationally taken ones.

6. Knowledge and Expertise: While everybody can sell, only some can really make money out of selling. Your coach should be someone with a lot of know-how on sales, marketing, strategic planning and customer relations. Sales coaching is about transferring this knowledge.

7. Focus: This is one of the primary reasons to get a coach. A coach can help train you to focus when facing various challenges that sales can throw at you. You can learn from your coach through personal exchanges, the internet and email and lessons.

You can already see why hiring a proven sales coach is a good idea.